are you a ninja?

Ninjas are very interesting and hard to find but are you one of these people? What is a ninja? they are people who fight and are very stealthy and they can take anyone down that they want (lol)

ARE YOU A NINJA?!?!?!?! Are you stealthy enough to hold the powers of these fastenating people?????? Thanks to this quiz you you be able to know in about 5 minutes!

Created by: Rylee
  1. How sneaky are you?
  2. are u scared of the dark?
  3. Do you know any sort of martial arts?
  4. if u do karate, what color is ur belt?
  5. are u flexible?
  6. Can u jump high?
  7. Do you play video games or train?
  8. what do you do during your free time?
  9. do you have a tramopline? if you do do u do flips on it?
  10. True or False-do u like ninjas (this is part of your score!)
  11. like this quiz? its part of your score

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Quiz topic: Am I a ninja?