Are you a ninja?

There is much interest in the ninja. They are shrouded in mystery, and as such are interesting to many people. However, few know much truth about them. Would you have what it takes to be a true ninja, or are you just a wannabe like me?

This quiz is based on historical information about the ninja and information that any modern ninja would have. So are you a modern ninja? Are you a ninja scholar? If you think you know what your answers should be, try giving those answers after answering truthfully to find out how knowledgeable you are about the ninja!

Created by: Caeleb Brown

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you wear normally?
  2. Have you ever killed someone?
  3. What is a ninja's main weapon?
  4. What is a ninja?
  5. Which is more important - your mission or your life?
  6. Are you willing to die to save your friend's life?
  7. How good are you at evasion?
  8. Are you a ninja?
  9. If you were stuck in a forest with nothing but a knife, would you survive?
  10. What is the most practical and versatile tool ever invented by man?

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Quiz topic: Am I a ninja?