Are you a NERD [hope not]

alright your pretty cool but ya still gotta losen up just a little tiny tiny tad your pal cool kid aka king of high school.butt stay cool or stay a nerd your choice.

I have to write a paragraph like the one above to you again this is gonna be hard hey look I'm past half way there writing this right hara twelve five done.

Created by: nathaniel

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like school
  2. Do you do every single homework sheet
  3. have you gotten awards about doing perfect work?
  4. Are you a teachers pet?
  5. what is the best subject
  6. Do you have friends
  7. are you fat
  8. what grade
  9. can you have pop
  10. last question like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a NERD [hope not]