Are You a Nerd?

Knowledge is power, it is said. Which doesn't really explain why men like Ulysses S. Grant, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush became president. More likely it's that nerds are too smart to want to be politicians in the first place.

So let's find out how nerdy YOU are. We mined some obscure and largely useless facts on various topics. To be kind, we made the quiz multiple choice - so the right answer is in there somewhere. Are you ready to bedazzle yourself and the world with your nerdiness? Let's go!

Created by: Rob

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What event does the Islamic festival of Eid ul-Adha commemorate?
  2. The central Asian city of Samarkand, a major stop on the ancient Silk Road, was founded by which historical conqueror?
  3. What and where are Tirawa, Uku and Kumpaya?
  4. What was remarkable about Arsenal's victory over Liverpool in the Carling Cup in January 2007?
  5. What is or was the Mohorovicic Discontinuity?
  6. At the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297, what tactic did William Wallace employ to neutralize the English army's vastly superior heavy cavalry?
  7. Why was British historian David Irving jailed in Austria in 2006?
  8. In Charles Dickens' novel 'Barnaby Rudge', what expensive personal grooming tool does the antagonist Chester use constantly?
  9. How did an apparently innocent act by Colorado resident Lisa Jensen cause a furore in 2006?
  10. What do the Hmong, Kurdish and Cornish peoples have in common?
  11. What was used to create the 'ticking' sound effect on former Genesis member Steve Hackett's classic track 'Clocks'?
  12. Did you use Google to help you answer this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Nerd?