Are you a nerd?

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Sup everyone! It's me, Amara Harris again and here is my quiz on nerdyness. If you ended up taking my quiz and the Ranger's Apprentice series, you may already know that I am a bookworm at heart.

This quiz is designed to scrape out any nerdyness in you so you can embrace your inner self (me trying to sound passionate). But all in all, this test should be loads of fun. Enjoy!

Created by: Amara Harris
  1. What is your favorite subject in school?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is your favorite pastime?
  4. What is your favorite school lunch?
  5. What do you do during your flex period?
  6. How do you take notes?
  7. Are you productive?
  8. What are your nerdy features?
  9. Do you have a stress pet?
  10. What do you do during spring or summer break?
  11. What is your age
  12. What is your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Am I a nerd?
