Are you a nerd?

Hi, do people say you are a nerd or do people say u are a queen. Well lets see. This quiz is kind of accurate honestly you think what you think but i ams always and never not bored and i love making these quiziz soooooooooo YEAH. Hope you guys like it.

And alsoooo, DO NOT feel in any way, ashamed, depressed, mad, or sad because you get nerd, cause GIRL or BOY, no one cares. Everyone is special in their own way and TBH being a nerd is better than being a bully. Please dont be offended by this quiz. Love you guys. BYE$$$!!

Created by: NarutoIsNice
  1. Do you wear glasses?
  2. Do you like to have fun?
  3. Do you have an electronic?
  4. What grades do you get?
  5. Are you innocent?
  6. How many friends do you have?
  7. Do you get bullied?
  8. What is your style? (Theres difference between normal and formal)
  9. Are you shy?
  10. Do you want to wear makeup or do something to look better?
  11. FUN QUESTION: Are u a baddie?

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Quiz topic: Am I a nerd?
