Are you a nerd?

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There are many popular people,although there is some nerdy people. Popular is afterall quite exceptional. What is a nerd you are asking? A nerd is a not bad person but something you probably don't wanna be!

Are YOU a nerd? Do YOU have alot of friends? Are you cool or awesome? I hope so cuz if you aren't good luck getting a good job on this quiz? But thanks to this great quiz in a just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Chloe Kendall
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get straight A's?
  2. Do you like suspenders?
  3. Do u wear glasses?
  4. Do u dance terrible?
  5. Do u like reading?
  6. Do u like wearing bow ties
  7. R u popular?
  8. Do u have alot of friends?
  9. Do u talk weird?
  10. Do u still have stuffed animals?
  11. Do u play lame video games?

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Quiz topic: Am I a nerd?