are you a music monster or total newbie

lots of people swear the can name every song on the radio they think their music monsters. some people dont even know the lyrics to alot of songs they are definitely newbies.

do you think your a music monster? can you name any song on the radio? or do you not even know what the new generation of people listen to? are you a nebie? take my quiz to see what rating area you are

Created by: music monster J
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who is a dubstep artist
  2. who made the album pink friday
  3. who does rock music
  4. dubstep what is it
  5. who sings " birthday cake"
  6. what are music stations on the radio
  8. who is katy perry???
  9. what are music channels on TV
  10. what is dubstep???

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Quiz topic: Am I a music monster or total newbie