Are you a muggle or not?

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This quiz will tell you if you are magical or if you are not magical! Don't worry if you didn't get what you wanted, it's just a quiz. It doesn't determine it

This quiz will tell eeeee if you are magical or if you up his late ot magical! What you doing worry if you didn't get what you whoa sister t's just a quiz. It doesn't determine it!

Created by: Kloee Kinslow
  1. What do you feel about magic outside of Hogwarts?
  2. Do you like potions?
  3. Do you like wand magic?
  4. Do you know your house?
  5. Who is your favourite?
  6. Have you read the books?
  7. What do you think you'll get? ( It doesn't affect)
  8. What professor?
  9. Do you believe in magic?
  10. What do you want to get ( again, won't affect don't worry)

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Quiz topic: Am I a muggle or not?
