Are you a mtf transgender

This quiz was made by transfems (aka mtf s) for transfems to just see if people are transfem and want to be female, and we really hope that you enjoy it

… uhhmmm ….. uhhhhhhhhhhh.. I do not have any thing to say here and really hope that you don’t read this because this is just filler ment to fill in the quiz

Created by: Morgana
  1. Think back to when you were younger, did you ever use dolls or play as the female character
  2. How often have dreamed about being a girl?
  3. Have you tried using she/her pronouns, and how did it feel
  4. Have you ever felt like that you should look like a girl (ex, boobs , wider hips, little to no facial hair) and that it would be better than more masculine traits?
  5. If you could change yourself into your ideal female body in an instant with no way to change back, would you?
  6. If you did switch last question how would you feel if you were given a more realistic body instead?
  7. How have you felt about you’re relations changing if you do end up transitioning?
  8. Do yo like pickles?
  9. Sorry for question number 8, it’s a transfem thing. Anyways, how do you feel about trans characters in media
  10. Do you think you’re a transfem?

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Quiz topic: Am I a mtf transgender
