Are you a Mozzer???

Morrissey: you either love him completely, or hate him completely. What separates the posers from the true fanatics that go to every concert planning a way to jump the stage and touch the Mozfather?

Are You a Mozzer? Do you relate to Moz's lyrics? Do you love The Smiths and Morrissey Solo? Have you cried yourself to sleep with Morrissey's voice either soothing you or damning you? Will you be awarded the title of Mozzer upon completing these ten questions? Dare to enter the World of Morrissey...

Created by: tooska
  1. What is Moz's name?
  2. When was this earth blessed with Moz's presence?
  3. Where was Moz born?
  4. Moz's parents were...
  5. What 60s actor is Moz fond of?
  6. What Victorian novelist is Moz most fond of?
  7. What two music books did Moz publish in the early 80s?
  8. Whom did Moz form The Smiths with and when?
  9. When did The Smiths break up and what was their final album?
  10. Who are the guys commonly known as The Lads?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Mozzer???