Are You a Moshi Monster Addict?

There are many players out there that love moshi monsters, but few are moshi monster addicts!!! Lets see if you have the brains to get a 85 or above!

So are you a Moshi monster fan??? Take the quiz to see your results!!! Good luck! This will tell if you are a fan or not! Really you will love this test.

Created by: Rachel
  1. How long has Moshi Monsters been around?
  2. How do you get roxy?
  3. How do you get Blingo?
  4. What is Moshi monsters?
  5. What is the floating cherry looking monster?
  6. What are all of the monsters names?
  7. Who created Moshi monsters?
  8. Do you have a moshi monster account?
  9. Who is Dr. Strange glove?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Moshi Monster Addict?