Are you a Mo, a Cho, a Smo, Rho, or Sno?

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There are many kinds of people in this world. And most people are many different kinds of people. You've probably been called "Cho" before, because most people are pretty choey, but there's lots of things you can be. Find out!

Whatever you get here, remember you might be something different tomorrow. Or in a minute from now. But generally, you will tend toward being a Mo, a Cho, a Smo, a Rho, or a Sno.

Created by: Dre

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If I was a shape I would be a..
  2. When someone tells a really funny joke you..
  3. And what does your laugh sound like?
  4. What do you look for in a friendship?
  5. What do you look for in a donut?
  6. Pick a dog breed:
  7. Pick a vegetable:
  8. It's 4am on a Tuesday. Why aren't you asleep?
  9. A stranger with a twinkle in his eye hands you a giant bouquet of balloons. What happens next?
  10. What planet do you feel most?
  11. Which kind of fabulous coat do you want?
  12. If someone offered you 5 million dollars or the ability to communicate freely with animals and plants, which would you choose?
  13. If someone offered you 5 million dollars or the ability to communicate freely with animals and plants, which would you choose?
  14. Pick a color:
  15. Pick a Fender:
  16. If your voice had to sound like one of these things, which would it be?
  17. Okay last one, what is inbetween your ears:

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Quiz topic: Am I a Mo, a Cho, a Smo, Rho, or Sno?