Are You a Mermaid or Fairy?

Thanks a lot for doing thios quiz I hope U see me agian sweet potato mom oops sorry hahahah I really think U R awesome if U did well bye !

Bye bye I really hope U do this agian because its fun to do man it took a while to make this quiz so hope U like this quiz comment below if U got happy.

Created by: miah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your fav name out of all of these?
  2. What's your fav color?
  3. What's your fav website?
  4. If you could have a power what would it be?(after you get the answer believe and you maybe will become a fairy or mermaid!).
  5. Do you belive?
  6. What's your fav show?
  7. Do you have a sibling?
  8. Are you already a mermaid or fairy or you just are testing me?
  9. Do you have friends?
  10. If you could say a yes or no question what would it be.
  11. Hi so did you enjoy this quiz.

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Quiz topic: Am I a Mermaid or Fairy?