Are You a Math Wiz?

Hi, have you ever wondered how good you are at math? Then take this quiz to find out! (And I know people don't really read these paragraphs, so whatever.)jfklsdjlfkjsdljflsjdlfkjsdlkfklsdjfks


Created by: Adora
  1. How would you say this expression:3x+2=42.311
  2. What does this equal:2x+4=8
  3. What does this equal:3x+1=3x
  4. What does this equal:2x+4=4+2(x)
  5. Rank these in order from easiest to hardest:7th grade math Alegbra 2Calculus Algebra
  6. So far is this quiz easy?
  7. What does this equal:2+2
  8. What is the golden rule of Algebra?
  9. What is the square root of 2?
  10. What is pi?
  11. What is the Pythagorean Theorem?
  12. Last question: What is a circumference?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Math Wiz?
