are you a math genius

there are not to many math genius's. only people you has a extraordinarily clever mind can be a genius. there are not to many genius's. it is very challenging to become a genius on my math quiz.

are you a genius? do have the true ability to become a genius. now is the chance to find out if you are a true math genius from this quiz. in just a few minutes you will find out if you are a true genius.

Created by: emily
  1. what is the reciprocal of 4?
  2. is this integer negative or positive -15
  3. what is the improper fraction of this mixed number 4 1/4
  4. are these integers in order correctly from least to greatest -50 -14 -4 5 10
  5. 4/10 x 6/10
  6. what is the roman numeral for 25
  7. what is the roman numeral for 10
  8. can this fraction be simplified? 10/50
  9. what is this roman numeral? xx
  10. 4/7 x 3/7

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Quiz topic: Am I a math genius