are you a makeup lover

makeup can be a way to relax your body and can be a time wasting thing to do when you have heaps of time on your hands. just don't go too overboard because that will make you look fake.

you are beautiful without makeup. don't go spoiling your skin no matter how much you love makeup. this quiz was for fun and there is no offence to be taken in this quiz

Created by: Tamika Robinson
  1. how often do you wear makeup
  2. how much money would you spend on makeup
  3. how long do you take to apply your makeup
  4. do you want to become a makeup artist when you are older
  5. would you ever destroy makeup
  6. do you watch makeup tutorials
  7. how often would you talk about makeup
  8. do you share your makeup
  9. do you get angry if someone uses your makeup without permission
  10. did you enjoy this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a makeup lover
