Are you a little?

This is a fun quiz made by an age regressor! Please answer the questions honestly so you have more of an accurate result, and thank you for spending some time on doing this quiz!

This quiz is not meant to be 100% accurate, but as a little I tried hardly in doing this. I hope you all are safe, healthy, and having a good day/night! Be kind and respectful please!

Created by: ThatOneLittle
  1. Do you like being in a younger mindset? (Often around 1-6)
  2. If you answered yes or sometimes to the last question, when feeling younger, do you need a caregiver?
  3. Why are you here?
  4. Do you know what a little is?
  5. Do you know what a caregiver is?
  6. Is little space sexual (If you say yes, get off this page please :])
  7. Do you have little gear?
  8. I need 10 questions for this, so these will just be little check ins :)How was your day?
  9. Did you drink water?
  10. Alright, be safe, stay healthy, and I hope you have a good day/night :> Remember that this isn't 100% accurate, but as a little I tried my best

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Quiz topic: Am I a little?

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