Are you a Likeable person quiz

Do you question being likeable everyday.. Well find out in the are you likeable quiz. Do the people at school ignore you for a reason.. Maybe maybe not! Find out here!

Do you think your loved or hated.. It might all change after ypu take this quiz today!!!!! Find out either people give you looks or they shoot you smiles!

Created by: Felicia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u consider yourself mean?
  2. Are you a bicth
  3. Eggplant🍆 or peach🍑
  4. Gay⤵ or straight ⤴
  5. Do you donate
  6. Do you have friends
  7. Are you nice
  8. Do you think your likeable...
  9. Do u Lisen to the radio
  10. Who do you hang out with

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Quiz topic: Am I a Likeable person quiz You can find more quizzes like this one in our Personal Qualities Quiz category.