Are you a liar?

Liars can be dreaded, disgusting people, but there are how ever some lies that can be accepted. Lies can be needed, and they can be hated. White lies, dark lies, friendly lies... so many to choose from

Are you a GOOD kind of liar? or in fact a PERFECT one? Find out in this quiz! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you're not the LYING PIECE OF.... yeah. You know.

Created by: alec
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you say when you are at a dinner party, your best friend made the food, and you think it tastes like ass?
  2. Have you ever masturbated?
  3. What do you say/do when you fart in public?
  4. The best way to keep a friend is by:
  5. Did you wash your hands the last time you went to the bathroom?
  6. Have you ever had a dream with you losing all your friends, for one reason or another?
  7. Do you lie to your parents?
  8. Did you steal my bicycle 4 years ago?
  9. Do you like children?
  10. Do you consider yourself a liar?

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Quiz topic: Am I a liar?