Are You A Lesbian? (Girls Only) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You A Lesbian? (Girls Only).
Bisexual,yeah very true I do like both genders I never dated a girl before but did have a few crushes on some I wouldn't mind dating a girl if anything ever happened to me and my bf which hopefully won't happen. Cool quiz mate.
Zimswife1 -
78% lesbian and 15% bisexual. I actually bisexual but I like females more so it was pretty close lol.
Same tbh
My friend said she would date me if she broke up with her boyfriend but he cheated and broke up with her and she still got back together with him, does she not like me?
I got 86% Straight
If you ask me @Kish i'm actually bisexual but thanks for the Staright.Well appreciated!!!
I'm 100% lesbian. So amazingly true this quiz is my life XD I'm as single as a lesbian pringle
xxemmac3 -
Are You A Lesbian? (Girls Only)
Your Result: LesbianYes, seems like you are :) I could be wrong though but only you can decide that...
78% lesbian, 32% bi, and 0% straight seems about right :) I think I'm lesbian but I'm still young and haven't really experienced anything so I'm struggling a little with labeling :/
I'm bi, not lesbian but this quiz disagrees. xP
Straight oh yeah , nice quiz it was not at all offensive :)
i actually do like a girl in my class and i'm waiting for there response back if they like me or not. but i think she likes me
ask her out I made a video asking if she would date me she broke up IN front of her gf to get with me
100% Lesbian! Hell yeah.
you go girl!
I'm very lesbian very accurate quiz only I still haven't kissed my gf :(
*starts chanting* kiss her, kiss her, kiss her!
me as well I don't know how?
86% lesbian, usually most tests tell me something similar(I've taken A TON of them) but my delusional brane still hesitates if I even like girls ðŸ˜, someone send help please
Unknown31 -
You made a great quiz! I will recommend it to my girlfriend, so I can see is she is Bisexual, or Lesbian. And congrats you guessed my sexuality. *clap* *clap* bu-bye~!
I got bi but Im #virgin so idk my sexuality might be tho
Nice quiz
Are You A Lesbian? (Girls Only)
Your Result: Straight 78%Yup straight as... I have no idea what...Me I gues
32% Bisexual
0% Lesbian
This was correct -
I agreed to comment while taking the quiz, so here's my comment.
I got 100% lesbian. this quiz is very true
:3XxEmma2 -
I'm Got 70% lesbian and 30% Straight. Very accurate quiz Five stars!
100% Lesbian HELL YEAH BUDDY
lion91832 -
I'm 86% lesbian and 0% straight but nice quiz !
Bi. I'm not offended at all. I think I think about this a little bit.
Bella_271 -
100% straight. Couldn't have been more right.
_Leah_1 -
mimi12381 -
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