Are you a leopard gecko?

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This is a quiz where you can find out if you are a leopard gecko! It's good!!! I hope you think so. I'm glad you took my quiz!!! It's great right? ??

Are you a leopard gecko? This is awesome try this quiz now!!!!!!!just to let you know I have a leopard gecko It's cute and her nameless lightning. She's cute I have to tell you

Created by: Leopardgecko2006
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do you live?
  2. How fast are you?
  3. What is your fav color?
  4. Do you like spots or stripes
  5. Do you like reptiles?
  6. What is your fav food?
  7. What temperature of your pool do you like?
  8. What is your favorite animal???
  9. What is your favorite holiday?
  10. What is your fav season?
  11. Did you like this quiz???

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Quiz topic: Am I a leopard gecko?