Are you a lemon shark

This is a quiz to see if you are a lemon shark 100% true and you will have 10 questions that are simple it doesn't have anything personal and doesn't save anything

Are you ready for the quiz? If it is challenging you can quit if you would like bu t the questions will be very easy but good luck and see you and the end

Created by: Skyler
  1. Are you kind
  2. Do you like to swim
  3. Do you like lemons🍋🍋
  4. Are you a lemon shark🍋🐬
  5. Do you like the color yellow?
  6. Are you ready for the next question?
  7. do you like sand?
  8. Once again are you a lemon shark
  9. Do you like the color. Gray!
  10. Are you ready to finish?

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Quiz topic: Am I a lemon shark

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