Are you a lego maniac?!

Alot of people love legos, but there are not many lego maniacs. You won't get the answer "lego maniac" easily. Lego maniacs are quite exceptional.

Are YOU a lego maniac? Do you have the imagination and loyalty to be a lego maniac? This awesome quiz will tell you in a couple of minutes. (I'm not a lego maniac, even though I LOVE legos):)

Created by: Wolffan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When did you get your first lego set?
  2. How many lego minifigures do you have?
  3. How many lego sets have you gotten?
  4. Have you gotten any minifigures from series 6?
  5. How often do you get new legos?
  6. Have you ever gone to
  7. Do you have any lego videogames?
  8. Do you HATE lego freinds?
  9. Do you play with legos with friends or by yourself?
  10. Do you take care of your legos?(Don't crush them, leave them outside, ect.)

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Quiz topic: Am I a lego maniac?!