Are You A Legend?

What is a legend? Someone who needs no introduction. It is very difficult to obtain legend status, and not many people have. Rather than having me tell you if you are a legend, take this quiz and find out for yourself.

Rather than having me tell you if you are a legend, take this quiz and find out for yourself. Answer honestly...these questions were carefully and specifically designed to reveal the complete truth.

Created by: Ciara

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What kind of Mobile Device do you carry?
  2. Do you work in a bar
  3. How much do you drink when you go out?
  4. What is your favorite sport to watch on television or at a live spotring event?
  5. How many myspace friends do you have?
  6. What do you do when you hook up with someone everyone thinks is hot?
  7. What is your highest level of education
  8. Is there a phrase you repeatedly use, no matter what the situation?
  9. How often do you do drugs?
  10. How often do you give to charity?
  11. People generally know where to find me.
  12. What is your favorite kind of music event?
  13. How would you describe your job?
  14. How do you feel about relationships?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Legend?