Are you a Laura or a Carmilla | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a Laura or a Carmilla.

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  • Are you a Laura or a Carmilla
    Your Result: You're a Laura! 84%

    You're curious, smart, sassy, brave, nerdy, and your heart is in the right place. You don't like messes, well, that depends on who's making the mess. You tend to choose what is right before what is easy, and you'd do anything for your friends.

    Perfect! Although I'm afraid I don't know what Carmilla is

    Pyra Potter
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  • Your Result: You're a Carmilla! 76%

    You're brave, strong, loyal, not-so useless, sarcastic, poetic, and you can be a real pain in the neck sometimes, but people still think you're purrfect. You would do anything for the people you love, even if it means sacrificing yourself.

    48% You're a Laura!
    I still don't know what this is. O.o

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