are you a ladies man

This is a quiz that will test if you are good with girls or good with your Girlfriend.And if your a lesbian,take this quiz,it would help you as well, :P

Do girls like you?Do You Have girlfriend?do you want a girlfriend?Are you a good boyfriend?Are you trust worthy?when yourtaking this quiz you'll find out all of these qustions about you!

Created by: Alec Weaver
  1. do girls find you atractive?
  2. Do You Treat Girls With Respect?
  3. Do You Cheat On Girls?
  4. Do You Buy Gifts To Please Your Girlfriend?
  5. Do You Argue With Your Girlfriend?
  6. Do You Do What Your Girlfriend says,or what you say to her?
  7. Do You Care About Your Girlfriend,If You Have One?
  8. Do You Bring Her To Cool Places?
  9. Have You Ever Kissed A Girl Besides Your Mom?
  10. Do You Tell Your Girlfriend The Truth?

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Quiz topic: Am I a ladies man