Are you a kitty part rogue or warrior cat

This is the ultimate quiz this is the ultimate quiz where you can finally figure out your true destiny if you're a pet or a wildcat you will finally figured out what you are today

Take this quiz today and you'll find out if you are a pet or you wild this is the best quiz ever and you look definitely be played with your result if you're not that's what you are in that's what you're gonna stay at

Created by: Fire lily cat
  1. What sort of food do you eat please be honest with this question
  2. Where would you live
  3. What words would describe you
  4. All right you so now we're going to do a couple of questions of what you're done is going to look like what will the floor look like
  5. Next what kind of nests will be in your den
  6. What are your worst dangers
  7. What kind of name would you have
  8. Goodbye
  9. Ha ha I tricked you this is not the end of the quiz
  10. Last pick a color for your fur

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Quiz topic: Am I a kitty part rogue or warrior cat

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