Are you a kitsune

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Since I am a kitsune myself, I decided to make a quizz for those who would like to discover their hidden fox. So please enjoy this fun quiz for all the friendly people who dream of being kitsune!

This is just a quick test to see if you truly are a kitsune. If you are, congratulations. The quiz is super accurate so I hope you enjoy! And when I say enjoy, I mean if you are human I will eat you for lunch.

Created by: Kitsune lord
  1. Hi, welcome to this quiz it will see if you are kitsune or not. I should know cus I am one myself. So let's get started
  2. Ok. Do you feel like you can hear from above where ur ears are?
  3. Do you like foxes
  4. Do you feel like you have a tail, or even feel a tail brush against you?
  5. Do you have a dog
  6. Dogs or cats
  7. Do you ever think, man this place is cool but if I lived here for 80 years it would still be cool but not as cool?
  8. Did you like this quiz
  9. The fox will say
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Am I a kitsune
