Are you a Keeper of the Lost Cities elf?

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If you have read the series, please take the quiz. if you have not, don't take the quiz. I hope you like this quiz as much as I enjoyed making it! #SophiefosterForTheWin!

If you do take this quiz, just know that I am really happy that you would. Also, I hope you liked the series as much as I did! If you read the Keeper of the Lost Cities book series, I recommend taking this quiz. If you did not read the series, don't take the quiz.

Created by: BianaVacker
  1. In what book did Tam join the Neverseen?
  2. What color was Iggy in Flashback?
  3. In what book did Fitz and Sophie actually start dating?
  4. Where does Sophie live?
  5. Who offered to adopted Sophie?
  6. What Vacker betrayed Sophie?
  7. When will the next book come out?
  8. In what book did Sophie get her inflicting reset?
  9. How many Abilitys does Sophie have?
  10. Who is Sophie's biological Mother?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Keeper of the Lost Cities elf?
