Are you a kapuso or a kapamilya??

Are you a kapuso or a kapamilya? this will determine if you are a true blue kapuso, a loyal kapamilya or just in between. know what is your personality based on what you are watching.

Are you a kapuso or a kapamilya? know what is your personality based on what you are watching. This test shows how loyal you are to the networks and see if the ratings complt to the results you have.

Created by: jaycee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your favorite Actress?
  2. What is the best anime on tv?
  3. Who is the best female singer?
  4. What is the best Asian Drama ever?
  5. Who is the sexiest guy on tv?
  6. Who is the best Comedian?
  7. What colors do you like?
  8. What is your motto?
  9. What is the best reality show?
  10. Who is the best super hero?

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Quiz topic: Am I a kapuso or a kapamilya??