Are you a Jedi or Sith?

Are you a Jedi or Sith? This quiz will help you figure that out. Please don't forget to answer ALL the questions or you wont get the correct answer!!!

You could also be a Bounty Hunter. If that's what you want. You can also be an In-Between Jedi. Like Mace Windu. I hope you enjoy the quiz. It took a while.

Created by: Pheonix
  1. Do you like to kill people on video games a lot?
  2. Do you enjoy it?
  3. Do you like to protect your home?
  4. Your parents are both about to be killed by thieves. Do you trade your service for their lives or kill the thieves in risk of your parents getting killed?
  5. Let's say you're a Jedi. What color would your saber be?
  6. Do you get angry easily?
  7. Do you say curse/cuss/bad words?
  8. Do you do nice things for your parents?
  9. A freshman is getting bullied. What do you do?
  10. What's your favorite force move?
  11. Do you want to protect others or yourself?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Jedi or Sith?
