Are you a Jedi or a Sith?

Have you ever wondered if you would make a better Jedi or Sith well now you can know just take this quiz to find out your true Star Wars place in the saga.

And if you are upset with what you got just rewind and take the quiz again so remember you can always be turned to the light or the dark easily but try to resist the dark.

Created by: Jack Weston
  1. First off which do you like more?
  2. What would you friends describe you as?
  3. What would you describe yourself as?
  4. What would be your lightsaber color?
  5. What is your favorite Star Wars movie of all time out of the best two trilogies?
  6. Who is your sidekick?
  7. What is your favorite New Hope character?
  8. What is your favorite Return of the Jedi character?
  9. What is your favorite Sith or Jedi?
  10. Which would you rather be Rey or Kylo?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Jedi or a Sith?

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