are you a jdm fanboy

yeah a ricer means race inspired cosmteic enhancement if you are a ricer its no problem just go to your garage and ask for selling all of your stuff and get some tuning parts

if you have a peugot 206 rs great maybe buld it to a rally car and take the challenge for the france rally atleast you are not a ricer but if you follow my tips you maybe be a populair rally drive and maybe one day you own a jdm rally car

Created by: loken
  1. what does jdm mean?
  2. what is vtec on the honda civic type r?
  3. what is the most likely jdm car?
  4. what is populair at jdm?
  5. what is to over the top ugly at jdm?
  6. what is camber?
  7. what is antilag?
  8. what are tastefull jdm bodymods?
  9. what does rice mean?
  10. uncle ben
  11. i like...?

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Quiz topic: Am I a jdm fanboy