Are you a human or an alien

I got the house for you too Im sorry to miss that stuff and stuff to go to do you think Im coming bye now Ill get to it Ill get them now Im sorry but I dont know why it got so cold and it is horrible so Ill try it later today bye and Im going bye sorry Im Im going bye sorry sorry to be

ya got to go to do a good time with my friend I dont have a house for the school time I just got try walking around and I Im going bye sorry bye hello hello no no Im not going bye sorry for my time I was just walking the door sorry Im going bye sorry Im going

Created by: Madi
  1. What is the Milky Way?
  2. What is a human
  3. Is this quiz good?
  4. Do you have a pet dog?
  5. Questions are great
  6. Hi Im a demon
  7. Is this the last question
  8. What is your favourite food
  9. Second last question. Are roses red?
  10. Last question who am I

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Quiz topic: Am I a human or an alien
