Are you a human or a fake

A lot of people like to focus on reality and what they look forward to in their life. It is good to know what is important to you but you should also be creative.

Some people on the other hand are very creative. They have a very strong imagination and like to pretend to be things they are not. It can be a good or a bad thing in life.

Created by: Devin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If a cute boy or girl says hi to you, what do you say
  2. You just got a cat for your birthday what do you say
  3. Your best friend just broke up with you. How do you react.
  4. Someone took you outside. What happens
  5. Do you know how to swim
  6. Any good talents
  7. What kind if music do you listen to
  8. What kind of friends do you like
  9. What is your favorite kind of movie
  10. What is your favorite kind of weather
  11. What do like to live in

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Quiz topic: Am I a human or a fake