are you a hottie or nottie

Their are manny hot and not people but only some of them are a hottie and some are notties find out witch one are you today by taking this simple quiz

Thanks to this quiz you will find do think your a hotyie or a nottie lets see your results and now you will se the truth this quiz isnt exactly accurate too

Created by: emma extreme
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the color of your hair
  2. What style is your hair usually in
  3. What do you wear
  4. Do you wear makeup
  5. How are your nails
  6. Do you like animals
  7. Are you a follower or a leader
  8. How did you like this quiz (it will not affect your score)
  9. How would you describe your self
  10. What would you say to me about this quiz(this will not effect your score)

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Quiz topic: Am I a hottie or nottie