Are You a Horse Person / Rider?

This is a quiz so you can see what a horsey person you are share it with ya friends play it and enjoy it I hope you love it because I tried so hard on my quiz and this is also my first quiz don't hate.

This is only for fun don't take it serious everyone knows your the expert here not me. Hahahahhahahahhahaha soz I felt like typing that!!!

Created by: JB
  1. What would you describe your self as?
  2. What gaits can you do?
  3. Can you groom a horse?
  4. Can you tack up
  5. What do your friends say when they see you ride?
  6. What colour is skewbald in a horses coat?
  7. What does a hand count as?
  8. Can horses vomit?
  9. Do you even like horses?
  10. Can horses eat banana?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Horse Person / Rider?
