Are you a Hoe in todays world

there are many girls that are hoes in the world today. They don't care about themselves or about you. Have your girlfriend take this quiz. Therefore you can find out if you're with a hoe or not

Find out if you "Are a Hoe" take this quiz. Have you ever wondered if you were a slutty hoe? Find out here in 20 seconds of time. Answer all the questions truthfully!

Created by: jim
  1. Do you have more than 1 kid out of wedlock?
  2. do you have more than 1 kid with different daddy's
  3. do you have sex more than once a week with your bf?
  4. do you sleep with different guys in a month
  5. do you say i'm not a hoe
  6. do you pick up guys in bars?
  7. do you want your friends boyfriend to want you
  8. do you date 2 guys or more at a time?
  9. do you wear sexy clothes when u go out
  10. do you accept drinks from strangers at bars?
  11. Are you always looking for a new man?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Hoe in todays world