Are you a head banger?

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There are many people who claim that they are head bangers. Not many truley are though. Are you a true head banger? You can Find ou in this quiz. Have fun!

There are many people who claim that they are head bangers. Not many truley are though. Are you a true head banger? You can Find ou in this quiz. Have fun! And Rock on!

Created by: pitts

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What song is NOT Nickleback's?
  2. What does Amy Lee do?
  3. Who is Evanescence?
  4. Did Chris Daughtry win American Idol?
  5. Which is NOT a Linkin Park song?
  6. Which song is NOT by Daughtry?
  7. Who is featured in Daughtry's song "What I want"?
  8. Who plays "21 guns"?
  9. Which is NOT a 3 Doors Down song?
  10. The dreaded question. What's your favorite...Just Kidding.

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Quiz topic: Am I a head banger?