Are you a HATER?

There's a lot of haters out there! The problem is most haters don't know they're haters. Take this quiz and find out if you're a hater. If you're not GOOD FOR YOU.

So don't be a hater and if you are a hater then STOP HATIN' because nobody but their own momma likes a hater. Only you can determine whether you're a hater or not.

Created by: King P Da Hustla
  1. Do you always have something negative to say?
  2. Are you always critizing and judging others?
  3. Do you get mad when others get attention instead of you?
  4. Does it piss you off to to see the girl you like with someone else?
  5. Are you threatened by people more successful than you ?
  6. Do you hate giving other people compliments?
  7. Do you wish you had certain material things and get mad when someone else has it?
  8. Do you hate someone just because they have more money than you?
  9. Do you hate when others brag, but like to brag about yourself?
  10. Do you bother to bring yourself up in conversations that have nothing to do with you?
  11. Do you compare yourself to others and try to convince people that you're better?
  12. Have you ever been cheated on and fought the other person instead of breaking up or getting back at your significant other?

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Quiz topic: Am I a HATER?
