are you a hardcore family guy fan?

thare are alought of famliy guy fans but only a handfull of real fanz so I hope you do well and good luck congrates best wishes:-)yay I hope your happy wit yo test

Are you a hardcore family guy fan? Do you have a knowlege to quallify for best family guy fan?until know you could only wonder.but thanks to this amazing quiz,in a few minutes you'll find out

Created by: ashjiah
  1. Who is the fattest charicter?
  2. Who is the charicter that say "oh no" and appears in most episode small roles?
  3. who is the pervert (out of all of these)
  4. Who is the black charicter that leaft family guy?
  5. what was quagmires dad name after the sex change?
  6. What was quagmires dad name BEFORE the sex change?
  7. Who is married to joe swanson?
  8. What color is lois hair
  9. How many kids does lois and peter have?
  10. What is stewies full name?

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Quiz topic: Am I a hardcore family guy fan?