Are you a Half blood Quiz

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Have you ever wondered if you are a demigod, or just a mortal? Or have seen unexplained things?? Maybe a cyclopes, or random teenagers pass by with swords?

Well this quiz tells you that, and maybe a bit more!! We will explain all the matters.Go check out my other quizzes as well, and make sure to like this one!

Created by: Lily
  1. You see a bully stealing another kids lunch money, what do you do?
  2. What kind of person do people view you as?
  3. What is your favorite hobby?
  4. If you had to die, how would you want to go?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. what color is your eyes?
  7. How old are you?
  8. Do you consider yourself trustworthy?
  9. What is your style?
  10. Introvert or extrovert?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Half blood Quiz
