Are you a guardian angel?

There are many Guardian Angels in this world. Then there are many other kinds of jerks out there. I was driving home from midland, and I thought about guardian angels, because i was listening to the song Your Guardian Angel, by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. So ya, i made this quiz

Are you one of the few guardian angels? do u think you have what it takes to help make this world a little better? well, take this quiz to find out, because, the world needs more people that are nicer to each other

Created by: Josh

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When you see someone being bullied, what do you do?
  2. Your sibling just fell down, you...
  3. Your friend is having trouble in their life, you...
  4. You see a hobo, you...
  5. Someone has their arms full, and is having trouble opening the door, you...
  6. Your friend just had a really bad day, you...
  7. OMG, a car wreak happened right in front of you, what do you do
  8. How often do you help other people out?
  9. A random person asks you for money to take a train, you...
  10. Someone is dying on the street, you...

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Quiz topic: Am I a guardian angel?