Are you a Greek freak???

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Welcome to the quiz my dear freaks!! If you are a true Greek just kick back and play the quiz.It's totally about the characters who are related to Perseus's life!!! Hope you do great!!

Note**Just for your notice there are different versions of the same mythological stories.If your answer is incorrect don't worry!!Send a message to this e-mail address. P.khyathi

Created by: khyathi
  1. Who is perseus'smother?
  2. Which city does he belong to?
  3. Who is Perseus's mother in law?
  4. Who is Andromeda's father?
  5. Which kingdom did Polydectes rule?
  6. Who was Dictys??
  7. Who provoked Perseus to challenge and bring the head of Medusa??
  8. Mycenae was founded by ??
  9. Which two gods helped Perseus to get the new weapons for his quest??
  10. Who was destined to be destroyed by Perseus??

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Quiz topic: Am I a Greek freak???
