Are you a Greek demigod, Roman demigod or a Norse demigod?

Which sort of demigod are you? I know that most people are 100 % normal mortals but this quiz is for fun. So are you Greek like Percy, Roman like Leo or are you Norse like Magnus? So this might not be too accurate since I did not include some stuff like a legacy which I might add on another quiz next time I get time to make on.

Some options have no effect because they apply to none of them. So please comment below and give some constructive feedback and suggestions! I would be very grateful!

Created by: 36912246810
  1. Is your room organized or really messy? Do you often clean it?
  2. Stab or slash(using your weapon, if it’s not a sword or dagger or a spear then just skip this )?
  3. Do you have ADHD or dyslexia or another sort of thing like that?
  4. What game do you like best?
  5. What material is your weapon made of?
  6. Which of these do you like best?
  7. Which of these book series do you like best?
  8. Which one do you like best anyway?
  9. Venus or Athrodite?
  10. Terra or Rhea?
  11. Zeus or Jupiter?
  12. Do you believe in the mythology?
  13. Hades or Pluto?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Greek demigod, Roman demigod or a Norse demigod?
