Are You a Goth?

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There are wannabe goths and real goths. Goths are people who are often dark and are different from others. Many people are posers and others are actual goths.

Are you the true real goth or are you just a wannabe? You will not know whether you are or not only if you take this accurate quiz. GOTH OR NOT? THIS QUIZ WILL LET YOU KNOW!

Created by: Edgar Allen Poo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite band?
  2. Do you cut yourself?
  3. what color is your hair?
  4. what color are your eyes?
  5. whats ur fav movie?
  6. do you hate your life?
  7. are you pale?
  8. do you wear makeup?
  9. what clothes do you wear?
  10. why are you goth?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Goth?