Are you a good warrior cats fan?

This is only for the brave-Hearted and The FireStars the warriors test! I will be making mare warriors tests! Hope you enjoy and see my deviantArt! ArticaTheWolfFNAF

Warriors! Into the wild Fire and ice Those are my favourite books! Does anyone want a who are you test? I think that would be great! I'll just make it!

Created by: Honeycomb

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the name when the Kittypet Rusty came to stay with ThunderClan?
  2. What are the names of all the clans?
  3. Who succeeded in leading ShadowClan after TigerStar died in The Darkest Hour?
  4. What is SquirrelPaw's warrior name?
  5. What happened to BrightPaw in the book A Dangerous Path
  6. What is FirePaw's warrior name
  7. Who was killed by TigerClaw when the Kittypet Rusty came to join ThunderClan? (Hint; Deputy)
  8. Who became leader after FireStar died?
  9. Who became leader after CrookedStar died?
  10. Who was GreyStripe's mate who died after kitting?
  11. How did CrookedStar die?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good warrior cats fan?