Are you a good Queen? Wings of Fire test

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Hello! I am AstridTheSkywing! Welcome to my quiz! Here at Astrid Inc. we create Wof Content for ALL Ages! Have fun answering these silly questions. We/I love you Astroids!💞💕

Astrid Inc. Was founded in June 8 2021 by an unknown creater only known to Family and friends, This world Is based on a sieries called Wings Of Fire by: Tui T sutherland.

Created by: AstridTheSkywing
  1. First, What kind of queen would you like to be?
  2. Second, what would your first act as Queen be?
  3. How many Heirs do you want?
  4. Who is your general?
  5. How many dragons do you assign to gaurd the castle while your out to battle
  6. How do you treat your subjects?
  7. How many dragons are you willing to sacrifice to in a battle before retreating?
  8. How much are you willing to give for a peace treaty with another tribe?
  9. Which Queen do you rather be?
  10. What do you think of my Quiz? Please tell me in the comments! Love you Astroids!💞💖🥰(This does NOT affect your score)

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Quiz topic: Am I a good Queen? Wings of Fire test
