are you a good person to be friends with

This quiz will tell you if you are a good friend. I really hope you like it because I do. Ready to find out if you are a good friend?!? I don't have anything else to say, so here goes!

Just take the quiz already.

Created by: sophie harrison
  1. You see a bully making fun of your friend, you...
  2. your friend is about to fall of a cliff, you...
  3. You hear a mean rumor about your friend that you know isn't true, you...
  4. Your friend is sick and has homework to do, you...
  5. It's your turn to pick where you and your friend go tonight, you pick...
  6. random question time!!!
  7. do you think you are a good friend
  8. how old am i
  9. what would you do if i showed up at your house
  10. bye bye

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Quiz topic: Am I a good person to be friends with